What We Do

Adventure U is the go-to resource for learning to play, run, and write for TRPGs.

Here is a list of the current content and services we provide – but check back often as we are adding new and exciting options every day!

In addition to our workshops, panels, and educational services (see below), we offer editorial and publication services via Adventure U Press and consultancy services via Adventure U Consulting.

You can find our full list of event types below – and can use these buttons to skip directly to an item.

You can find a list of systems and games we support below the Event Request Form, and below that, a sample list of our courses and programs, divided by track (Player, GM, and Writer).

Our programs are the products of more than 100 years of total tabletop gaming experience among our content producers, and more than 35 years of experience in instructional design and curriculum development. Everyone is welcome at our events, but we tailor individual sessions to the participants based on a combination of age and experience level (with RPGs in general or with individual systems). Each event is designed to maximize fun and effectiveness using tried and true learning methodologies. All events feature not only stellar instruction and interaction, but door prizes and giveaways provided by the host location or one of our sponsors – TableTop Game and Hobby, The Role-Players Guild of Kansas City, Cardboard Corner Cafe, and World of Game Design.

Workshops & Groups

  • Location
    These events are generally held at local game stores, conventions, community centers, and as part of regular events, such as RPGKC’s monthly game days. They can also be scheduled at community centers, libraries, schools, and other organizations.
  • Formats
    • Instructor-Led Workshops
      These events are a combination of discussion and hands-on work, and may involve between one and four of our faculty. They range in time frame from one to six hours, with most falling into the two to four hour range.
    • Workshop Games
      These events combine live gameplay with instruction, allowing participants to experience the game and then talk through methods and choices – and sometimes run portions of the adventure themselves!
    • Critique Groups and Meetups
  • Subjects
    • Player Track
      These workshops address developing as a player, and include topics such as learning games, creating and advancing characters, and improving roleplaying skills.
    • GM Track
      These workshops address developing as a GM, and include topics such as worldbuilding, table and player management, and crafting encounters.
    • Writing Track
      These workshops address developing as a writer, and include topics such as self-editing, plot and storycraft, and writing compelling characters.
  • Pricing
    Introductory workshops are typically $5.00 per participant. Workshops on advanced topics range in price from $10 to $25 per person, with most falling in the $10-$15 range. Special guests and other factors influence the pricing.

Panels / Q&A Sessions

  • Location
    These events typically happen at conventions and local game stores, and at events such as RPGKC Game Days – but they may also be scheduled at community centers, libraries, schools, and other businesses and organizations.
  • Formats
    • AU Tavern Talk Series
      These events feature 2 or more speakers (normally 2-5) chatting about a themed topic and chatting with participants.
    • AU After Hours Series
      These events are similar to the Tavern Talks, but feature content and locations that might not be appropriate for very young viewers. Most of our content is very family-friendly, but these sessions may take place in bars, distilleries, or cigar stores, and we let our faculty members relax and not worry self-editing profanity or avoiding somewhat sensitive subjects.
    • AU Signature Speakers Series
      These are very special events that feature our Adventure U faculty and GMs alongside exciting guests, such as local celebrities, industry professionals, game writers, authors, YouTube personalities, and more!
  • Pricing
    These events are typically presented for free at game stores and conventions (and occasionally on-demand at other locations). Occasionally special guests or venues may require us to charge a fee.

AU Online Learning

  • Location
    EVERYWHERE! These events will typically be available online via YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, and / or TikTok, though in some cases a live, in-person event may be recorded or broadcast live! Eventually, some of our video content will be available exclusively to subscribers – but we have a ways to go before all that is ready.
  • Formats
    • We’re not quite ready to talk about all of our offerings here yet – but rest assured it will be WICKED AWESOME! Things we know will be included are video versions of any of our other programs.
  • Pricing
    Since they are online, a portion of most of our videos will be available for free. Eventually we’ll need to charge for the content via subscription or direct purchase – but for now, just look forward to cool, fun videos!

Free-to-Play Games

  • Location
    Most of these events will happen at local game stores, conventions, and RPGKC (and other) game days.
  • Formats
    • These games are presented in a number of systems.
    • While many to most of our games are appropriate for players of all ages, please be sure to read event descriptions as some are only appropriate for more mature audiences.
  • Pricing
    It’s…it’s in the name. These games are free to play, wherever they are (though if they are at a con or other paid event, there may be a price to enter the venue).

Benefit and Outreach Events

  • Location
    These events may take place at virtually any locale.
  • Formats
    • Games
    • Panels / Q& A Sessions
    • Workshops
  • Pricing
    Events designed to benefit organizations and causes will most often have fees attached to them, though most to all of the proceeds will go to the organization we are supporting.

Paid Games / Events

  • Location
    These games and events may take place almost anywhere – Your home or business, a local game store, a convention, a community center / organization etc.
  • Formats
    • AU Signature Game Series
      These events are special games – expanded events that require multiple rooms and GMs, combined events featuring combinations of war games, TTRPGs, and more, or including celebrity players and / or GMs. Mr. Howard’s Grace Under Pressure Call of Cthulhu game is an example of a fantastic Signature game!
    • AU Signature Speaker Series
      See the Panels section above for details.
    • Private / Custom Events
      You can hire us to tailor or create a custom game for you!
  • Pricing
    Pricing for these special events varies wildly. Please contact us for details.

Story & Strategy Programs

  • Location
    These events can take place at any location, but most often are scheduled at community centers, libraries, schools, homeschool locations, or other youth organizations.
  • Formats
    • Story and Strategy
      These events connect mythology, folklore, and fiction to games, using the games to illustrate and reinforce important concepts.
    • Civilization and Strategy
      These events connect history, philosophy, and the arts to games, using the games to illustrate and reinforce important concepts.
    • STEM and Strategy
      These events connect STEM topics (chemistry, biology, math, etc.) to games, using the games to illustrate and reinforce important concepts.
    • Civics and Strategy
      These events connect political science and government to games, using the games to illustrate and reinforce important concepts.
  • Pricing
    Pricing for these events varies. Sometimes organizations ask us to present the programs allow or ask us to charge per-person fees ($5 to $15). Other times, organizations simply pay us a flat fee for the program and allow participatns to attend for free.

Level Up Professional Development

  • Location
    These events can take place either onsite at the business or organization which hired us, or at TableTop / Cardboard Corner – or another, third party, location. It is possible that we could end up attending and presenting at an industry or business convention and present there – but so far we have not done that.
  • Formats
    • Workshops
      These events use games of various types to engage learners and teach and reinforce a variety of topics relevant to professional success and development.
  • Excample Topics
    • Team building
    • Project Management
    • Time Management
    • Business and Process Analysis
    • Communication
    • Leadership / Management
  • Pricing
    Pricing for these events varies depending on factors such as location, number of participants, number of topics, and duration of the program.

Event Request Form

Provide your name and email address below, and let us know what you need. You can request a call back to discuss a private or public event for you or your organization, ask us to put events from our catalog on our schedule, or suggest a new event you’d like for us to present.

Systems / Games We Support

  • Call of Cthulhu (7e) – Chaosium
  • Dungeon Crawl Classics – Goodman Gmes
  • Dungeons & Dragons (all editions) – WotC / Hasbro
  • Fading Suns
  • Fallout – Modiphius
  • Imperium Maledictum – Cubicle 7
  • Mörk Borg – Free League Publishing
  • Mutant Crawl Classics – Goodman Games
  • Savage Worlds – Pinnacle Entertainment Group
  • Savage Worlds: Deadlands – Pinnacle Entertainment Group
  • Star Trek Adventures – Modiphius
  • Tales from the Loop – Free League Publishing
  • The One Ring – Cubicle 7
  • Vaesen – Free League Publishing
  • Vampire the Masquerade (5e) – Paradox Interactive
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2e, 4e) – Cubicle 7

**Others – If you don’t see the game you want here, message us. We may support it (there are a number of indy titles we play and enjoy but did not list here), and we are adding games faster than we can update our list.

Topics We Offer

Player Track

  • Intro Games
  • Building and Advancing a Character
  • Roleplaying vs Roll-playing
  • Player Etiquette at the Table

GM Track

  • Introduction to GM-ing for Any System (workshop or panel)
  • The Basics of GM-ing for Any System (workshop game)
  • Table and Player Management
  • Dealing with Difficult Players
  • Introduction to Worldbuilding (workshop or panel)
  • Worldbuilding 101 (workshop)
  • Crafting Challenging Encounters
  • Creating Immersive Game Play
  • Assertvie GM-ing without Aggression
  • Keep FIghting Fun – Build Better Combat Encounters
  • Beyond Boblin the Goblin: Unforgettable NPCs
  • Spotlight Series
    • Hex Crawls and Sandboxes
    • Humor and Hijinks
    • Into an Actual Factual Dungeon
    • Mysteries and Heists
    • Politics and Intrigue
  • Many many many more – just ask

Writer Track

  • Gaming
    • Plot and Storycraft for GMs
    • Writing modules
    • Writing Box Text
    • Making Your World Feel Real
    • Showing vs Telling
  • Fiction
    • Plot and Storycraft
    • Self-Editing
    • The Elements of Popular Fiction
    • Compelling Dialog
    • Conflict and Tension without a Fight
    • Showing vs Telling
  • Again – there are MANY more titles, and we’re adding more every day.